Eared Dove

Eared Dove perched on a feeder getting some dinner.
Eared Dove, Puembo Birding Garden, Quito, Ecuador, June 21, 2024
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-32,000; f/10; 1/500 sec.

This page is for the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata).

Eared Dove perched on a wire in the early morning.
Eared Dove, Puembo Birding Garden, Quito, Ecuador, June 21, 2024
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-5000; f/11; 1/1000 sec.
Eared Dove perched on a metal rail.
Eared Dove, Tambo Condor Bird Lodge, Antisana, Ecuador, June 21, 2024
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-8000; f/11; 1/1000 sec.