Northern Parula

Northern Parula perched on a small branch with leaves around.
Northern Parula, Fort Worth Nature Center, Fort Worth, TX July 10, 2022
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-500; f/11; 1/200 sec.

This page is for the Northern Parula (Setophaga americana). I had been hearing the Northern Parula for 3-4 weeks at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Preserve, but never able to see it, much less get a photo. I was hearing them along the Riverbottom Trail just east of the kayak launching area and at the first large group of trees on the Crosstimbers Trail about 100 yards or so past the bridge. Finally on July 10, at quite a distance in the woods past the bridge I heard one and saw a bird in the same general direction as the sound (all I could see was that it was a bird), so I took some shots. It was a long shot, the light was not great so I had a slow shutter speed, and it moved slightly as I was shooting so it is not a great shot, but I am pleased I finally captured one. My first photographic evidence occurred on July 10, 2022.