Insecta (Beetles, Butterflies, Bees, Flies, Grasshoppers)

Insects are invertebrates that include beetles, butterflies, bees, flies, and grasshoppers, with an estimated 30 million living species. The Class Insecta evolved about 480 million years ago, based on current evidence. Characteristics of Insects generally include exoskeleton made of chitin, three body parts of head, thorax, and abdomen, six jointed legs, a pair of antennae, and compound eyes. They are by far the most diverse and numerous animals.

Kingdom: Animalia
-Phylum: Arthropoda
–Class: Insecta

I have photographed six orders of Insecta so far:
Hemiptra (True Bugs)
Odonata (Dragonflies, Damselflies)
Coleoptera (Beetles)
Hymenoptera (Wasps, Bees, Ants)
Diptera (Housefly, Horse-flies, Crane Flies, Mosquito)
Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Moths)