Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker grasping the side of a tree branch.
Hairy Woodpecker, Tishomingo NWR, Tishomingo, OK, September 14, 2022
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-3200; f/10; 1/500 sec.

This page is for the Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus). I used to see these birds a lot, but once I moved back to Texas and got into bird photography, they seemed to elude me. I was very excited when I started hearing them while out a the Tishomingo NWR. It took a while, but I finally saw one in the open enough to get some decent shots. He flew deeper into the woods soon thereafter.