Osteichthyes (Bony Fish)

Osteichthyes are vertebrates that include sharks, skates, and rays, with an estimated 28,000 living species. The Class Osteichthyes evolved around 416 million years ago based on current evidence. Characteristics of Osteichthyes generally include a skeleton primarily composed of bone and are either ray-finned or lobe-finned.

Kingdom: Animalia
-Phylum: Chordata
–Class: Osteichthyes

I have photographs five Osteichthyes so far:
Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
Lemon Butterfly (Chaetdon miliaris)
Madiera Goby (Mauligobius maderensis)
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Wrasse (species undetermined)