Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck swimming in a pond.
Ruddy Duck, San Joaquin Marsh, Irvine, CA, June 20, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-320; f/11; 1/400 sec.

This page is for the Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). I have taken shots of other ducks with a blue bill, but they were always some other duck. I was happy to see a few Ruddy Ducks on one of the ponds at the marsh. The first day all the males were asleep, so you can only see a small section of blue.

Two Ruddy Ducks swimming, The male with his blue bill is in front and has his tail feathers pointed up. The female is swimming casually a few feet behind.
Ruddy Duck, San Joaquin Marsh, Irvine, CA, June 19, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-1600; f/10; 1/800 sec.
Female Ruddy Duck swimming on a small pond.
Ruddy Duck, San Joaquin Marsh, Irvine, CA, June 18, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-500; f/10; 1/320 sec.
Male Ruddy Duck sleeping. Its blue bill is barely visible.
Ruddy Duck, San Joaquin Marsh, Irvine, CA, June 18, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-500; f/10; 1/320 sec.