Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Moths)

Lepidoptera are invertebrates that include the butterflies and moths, with an estimated 180,000 living species. The Order Lepidoptera evolved about 201 million years ago, based on current evidence. Characteristics of Lepidoptera generally include large triangular wings, a proboscis, and scales.

Kingdom: Animalia
-Phylum: Arthropoda
–Class: Insecta
—Order Lepidoptera

I have photographed 9 species of Lepidoptera so far:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)
Isabella Tiger Moth (Pyrrharctia isabella)
Long-tailed Blue Butterfly (Vanessa cardui)
Mexican Fritillary (Euptoieta hegesia)
Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
Phaon Crescent (Phyciodes phaon)
Salt March Moth (Estigmene acrea)
White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)
