This page is for the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis). My first photographic evidence occurred on May 15, 2022 at the Colleyville Nature Center. I was seeing others posting some really nice pictures of these ducks for weeks and every time I went there, these guys were no where to be found. Finally on this trip, I saw a few of them across a pond about 100-120 yards away. I snapped a few photos to be sure I had some, and started making my way closer to see if I could get a better shot. I had only taken one or two steps when they flew (I did not scare them) and managed to take a few shots as they flew by at about half the distance. Not a great shot but at least I finally saw the ducks. On a subsequent visit (6/18/2022), I finally got good photos of these ducks with the added bonus of 10 babies.