Brown-crested Flycatcher

Brown-crested Flycatcher perched on a small branch with its back to the camera.
Brown-crested Flycatcher, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center, San Antonio, TX May 12, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-800; f/10; 1/800 sec. -0.7 exposure bias.

This page is for the Brown-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus). This one was quite distant and against a grey sky, hence the post-production lightening to draw out the image. I took the pics not knowing what it was that far away, originally thinking an Eastern Phoebe or Great-crested Flycatcher. Was very pleased it was a new species of flycatcher.

Brown-crested Flycatcher perched on a small branch with its front and side to the camera.
Brown-crested Flycatcher, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center, San Antonio, TX May 12, 2023
Canon EOS R5 with Canon 100-500 mm L-series lens with 1.4x Teleconverter; 700 mm; ISO-250; f/10; 1/800 sec. -0.7 exposure bias.