
I created this space to share my journey into the hobby of digital photography. Within these pages are my photographic life-list of birds, including an overall best representative photograph of each species of bird as well as the best representative photograph from each venture into the field (by date and location). I am also sharing in the blog posts my journey, including lessons learned, with plenty of examples. I am an educator at heart and it is my hope that others beginning this hobby will benefit from my lessons learned, as I have benefited from others’ blogs and YouTube videos (I will not have any videos).

To set your expectations, within these pages you will find photographs that are pretty good, decent, horrible, over-processed, blurry, and a few that are what I consider really good. I am a proponent of transparency, so I have included very poor to very good photographs, hopefully to document my progression as I get more experience, knowledge, and hopefully skill. We all have to start somewhere and if all you have is a camera on your phone, that is a start.

Please enjoy my experiences and photographs. With my wife’s help, I have done my best to correctly identify the primary species in all my photographs (using field guides, Internet searches, and The Cornell Lab Merlin app). If I have misidentified any bird, please let me know. I would appreciate an accurate identification and reference sources so I can verify and learn.

Thank you for your interest.
